• Choose Plan 6 Month PAP (student)
  • Profile Create your profile
  • Payment Select payment method as per choice
  • Review Review your selection
Tell me about yourself ! Please complete the following information.

Contact Information

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Secondary Phone
Work Phone
Mailing Address
State / Province
Zip / Postal Code
Agreement Start Date

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact

Terms and Conditions

   Clubflex 24hr Fitness


Membership information (Must have 2 pieces of ID)

First name: {First Name} Last name: {Last Name}


Membership plan 

Membership plan: 6 Month PAP (student)

Membership Fees:  54.95                             

Start Date: February 15, 2025

End Date: August 14, 2025

*Club Enhancement Fee: $20.00 semi-annually on :1 April and 1 October


Initial Payment                                                                                              

Fees at Signup: {Prorate Fee}

Program Fee: 30

FOB fee: 25

Tax: GST


Payment Authorization.                                   

For purposes of this payment authorizations, the terms “I” refers to the person whose name appears above as the primary account holder and whose signature below. All prices are subject to change without notice after expiration of the term of the contract. Membership fees are non-refundable. After the expiration of the term, the monthly fees for membership will continue on the month-to-month basis until written confirmation is received. The “Club” and “Clubflex” refers to Clubflex 24hr Fitness.  This agreement is an auto renew agreement True.


Pre-Authorized Debits: I, as the account holder, authorize Clubflex 24hr Fitness (the Payee) to debit my account, using the information I have supplied, for the personal services. I authorize the Payee to process a debit, in paper, electronic or other form of amount of $54.95 plus GST on my account, beginning February 15, 2025. I will notify the Payee in writing of any changes in the account information or termination of this authorization prior to the next due date of this pre-authorized debits. I authorize the Club to share information about my identity with the Payee. I agree to waive the right to receive advance notice from Payee for all debits relating to such transaction(s). I have the right to revoke this authorization at any time, subject to providing 30 days’ written notice by the first of the month to Payee. I may obtain a simple cancellation form, or more information on my right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this pre-authorized payment agreement. I represent and warrant that: (1) the banking and account information I have provided is complete and accurate and I will promptly notify the Club of any changes in such information and (2) all persons required to authorize withdrawals from the account have authorized the debits to be drawn from the specified account pursuant to this authorization. 

Member’s Rights to Cancel.
If I wish to cancel this Agreement, I may cancel by delivering or mailing a written notice to the Club. The notice must say that I do not wish to be bound by the Agreement and must be delivered or mailed by midnight on the tenth business day after I sign this agreement. The notice must be delivered or mailed to the Club’s address indicated above. If I cancel, the Club will return, within 15 days or the date on which I gave notice of cancellation, any payments I have made. All refunds will be by credit or cheque; there are no cash refunds. Clubflex will then charge me only for each day I used the Club’s facilities up to and including the day I choose to cancel my membership.  These payments will continue until I submit a written notice of cancellation of my membership payment terms and pay any account balance due upon cancellation. I understand that I will be billed for the following month after a cancellation request. 30 days’ notice of cancellation takes effect on the first day of the month.   I agree that you will be fully protected in honoring these drafts and that your treatment of them and rights in respect to them are the same as if personally signed by me. I understand that I must notify the Club of account changes at least five days before my next billing cycle. “I” and “member” means the person whose name and signature appear on this document. Member is responsible for updating address and contact information.


Member Obligation. This agreement is a legally binding obligation for which I am financially responsible. If I have a term membership, my membership will automatically renew after the term ends and I will continue to be billed according to my regular billing schedule unless I provide notice of cancellation. A term membership has an early cancellation fee of $100.00. I agree not to conduct any kind of commercial or business activity in the Club and will not act as a personal trainer for anyone within the Club without authorization. I understand I am responsible for updating my address and contact information.

After my right to cancel period noted earlier (if any), I may cancel my membership by delivering or mailing 30 days’ notice to the Club on or before the 1st of the month. I understand I will be billed for 30 days after I cancel my membership and will have access to the Club during that time. (If I become totally or permanently disabled, upon reasonable written notice to the Club with proof of disability, either I or my personal representative may cancel this Agreement and receive a prorated refund of the unused portion of the membership fees incurred). 

Club Enhancement Fee.
I understand I will be charged a semi-annual Club Enhancement Fee of $20 on the 1st day of April and October. The fee will be charged with the billing cycle in April and October, provided I have been a member for at least 30 days. 

This is the whole Agreement between the parties with respect to the Membership Terms and Conditions and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements of the parties whether written or oral, express or implied. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by both parties. I understand that only authorized members may access the Club and I am not permitted to share my access card with anyone else. 


Proper Attire.  I understand that proper fitness clothing and shoes must be worn in the gym. I must wear dedicated clean gym shoes and must change into the clean gym shoes at the front entrance before entering the equipment area or entrance will be denied. If this is not obeyed a temporary suspension or fine of up to $50.00 may occur.

All prices are subject to change without notice after expiration of the term of the contract. Membership fees are non-refundable.

After the expiration of the term, the monthly fees for my membership will continue on the month-to-month basis until written confirmation is received.



By signing this membership Terms and Conditions Agreement electronically, I affirm, understand and agree to the Payment Authorization and Membership Terms and Conditions.



Signature of applicant: {First Name}{Last Name}



Date: February 15, 2025



Signature of Parent or guardian if applicant is under 18: 

Date: February 15, 2025



Date: February 15, 2025

Sold By:  



         Clubflex 24hr Fitness                                                                                         CLUB USAGE TERMS AND CONDITIONS


Membership information (Must have 2 pieces of ID)

First name: {First Name} Last name: {Last Name} Birth date: {Birth Date}

Address:{Street Address} City: {City}

Province: {State / Province} Postal Code: {Postal Code}

Email: {Email} Phone: {Phone}

Emergency contact name/phone:   

Membership plan: 6 Month PAP (student) Start date: February 15, 2025


In this Agreement, “Club” and “Clubflex means Clubflex 24hr Fitness, it’s owners, its affiliates, or its officers and employees. “I” means the person’s whose name and signature appears on this Agreement.


By signing electronically, I affirm, I understand the agree to the Assumptions of Risk of Injury and Waiver of Claims, the Club Usage Terms and Conditions including the Minor Members provisions if applicable, and the Member Privacy Policy.

Date: February 15, 2025 


Assumption of Risk of Injury and Waiver of Claims

I acknowledge that Clubflex’s location is an unsupervised fitness center and there is possible danger connected with any physical activity, including the dangers of physical injury and death. I assume all risks of injury, and waive all my rights to pursue damages or any relief of any kind, arising out of (1) my entry to and from, into or upon Clubflex 24hr Fitness; or (2) my use of any equipment, machinery, or facilities Clubflex. On behalf of myself and my successors and assigns, I agree to indemnify and will hold harmless Clubflex 24hr Fitness, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, and all of its owners, employees, agents, successors and assigns form and against any loss of damage that may be sustained by me or any person entering the Clubflex 24hr Fitness club as my guest. Initials

Minor Members (If applicable)

In exchange for Clubflex allowing my minor child to use the Clubflex facility, I agree to the Assumption of Risk of I jury and Waiver of Claims clause in this Agreement on their behalf. I also agree to defend and indemnify Clubflex 24hr Fitness, is subsidiaries, its affiliates, or its officers and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law for any claim brought by my minor child against them. I also promise to pay any financial obligation incurred by my minor child for any reason and acknowledge that the banking information on this Agreement is my account. Any child under 18 is considered a minor.  You must be at least 13 to use the Clubflex facility. If under the age of 13 you must be accompanied by an adult.

Club Usage Terms and Conditions

Use of the Club. 
I agree that my use of the Club is subject to the terms of this Agreement and any membership agreement I sign at the Club. I will not allow any non-member to use my access card. I understand and agree that I will be responsible for any claims, damages and charges made by or caused by an unauthorized guest I allow in the Club. I agree not to allow any non-members to attend the Club with me. I understand that I may be fined up to $50 per visit fee for any unauthorized guest I allow into the Club and that my access card may be deactivated or my membership terminated.  I will also be responsible for any losses; damages or liability the Club suffers because of an unauthorized guest I allow into the Club.

Personal Email Address. 
I understand that I must provide Clubflex with a valid email address and keep my email address valid at all times. I will receive occasional emails from Clubflex related to my membership. I may opt-out from receiving marketing emails, but not emails related to my membership, through the “unsubscribe” link included in such emails.

Physical Condition and No Medical Advice. 
I represent that I am in adequate physical condition for participation in an athletic program. I have no medical reason or impairment that might prevent me from my intended use of the Clubflex facility. If I have any health or medical concerns now or after I join, I will discuss them with my doctor before using or continuing to use the facilities. Clubflex will not provide any advice with respect to your physical condition. Clubflex has no duty to prevent you from using the Club.  I understand I am solely responsible for my wellbeing and the wellbeing of any minor child who I am responsible for.

Rules and Regulations
. I agree to follow any club rules posted at the club or communicated by the Clubflex staff.  Clubflex may, in its sole discretion, modify its rules or policies without notice at any time.

Damaged, Lost or Stolen Property. 
 I understand that Clubflex is not responsible for any of my personal property that is damaged, lost or stolen while in or around any Clubflex location including, but not limited to, property such as a vehicle or its contents or any property left in a locker. I understand and agree that I am liable for any damage I cause to the Club equipment or physical infrastructure of the facility and will reimburse Clubflex for any damages I cause or that any minor child who I am responsible for may cause.

Video Notice. 
I may not take unauthorized photos or videos anywhere in the Club. I understand that the Club uses monitored video surveillance and access card usage is logged, which both may be retained by the Clun for future use.

Member Privacy Policy

Thank you for joining our gym. This Policy explains what information Clubflex collects form its members and how Clubflex uses and shares that information. In this policy, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refers to Clubflex 24hr Fitness.

Types of Information we collect

Information You Provide. 
Clubflex collects the information you provide when you apply for a membership including your name, date of birth, contact information, bank details and a personal photograph.

Personal Information. 
The terms “personal information” means information about an identifiable individual, and includes such things as gender, age, financial account information, physical or mental health, health information, customer profiles, ID numbers and any other data assigned to an individual.

Steps We Take to Safeguard Your Information
. We maintain reasonable administrative, physical, and technological measures to protect the confidentiality and security of personal information you provide to us. We do not share information other than as stated in this Agreement.

To Comply with Laws and Protection of Our Rights and the Rights of Others
. We may disclose your personal information when we, in good faith, believe disclosure is appropriate to comply with the law, a court order, or a subpoena. We may also disclose your personal information to prevent or investigate a possible crime, such as fraud or identity theft; to enforce or apply other agreements; or to protect our own rights or property or the rights, property or safety of our users or others.

To store electronic data.
  Data we collect is stored by a third party software provider.

This Policy May Change
. As a result of changes in the way we offer our services (or charges in the law), we may need to update or revise this Policy. Accordingly, we reserve the right to update or modify this Policy at any time, by notifying you via email address which you provided when you applied for membership. However, we will honor the terms that were in effect when we gathered data form you.

Contact Us.
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at info@clubflex.ca or in person at 38255 Cleveland Avenue, Squamish, B.C. 

I acknowledge my membership is subject to me signing the Clubflex 24hr Fitness Membership Terms and Conditions Agreement and the Clubflex 24hr Fitness Club Usage Terms and Conditions.

In signing this agreement, I understand that I accept full responsibility for my use of any and all apparatus, appliances, facility privileges and services, owned and operated by ClubFlex 24hr Fitness (the “Facility”) at my own risk and shall hold the Facility, its principles, owners, shareholders, directors, employees, representatives and agents harmless from any and all loss, claim, injury, damage or liability sustained or incurred by me resulting from my own use of the Facility.



Signature of Applicant: 

Date: February 15, 2025

Signature of Parent or Guardian if Applicant is under 18: 

Date: February 15, 2025
Sold by: 


Referral Information

Sales Person
Tell me about yourself ! Please complete the following information.

Due Today This one-time credit card payment is due today to help us get your membership started.

Payment Information
Reference Number
Amount Details

One Time Administration Fee of 30.00
One Time Card Fee of 25.00
Cancellation Fee of 100.00
Future Dues of 54.95 (Monthly Payment)
Future Annual Fee of 20.00
Future second Annual Fee of 20.00
Plus applicable Taxes
Promo Code

Recurring Payment We’ll bill your account Monthly starting on 15-Feb-2025. This payment method will also be used for future Annual Fees.

Credit Card Info
Please enter your credit card payment details below.
Name On Card
Credit Card Type
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Bank Account Info

Please enter your Bank Account details below.

Bank Name
Routing Number
9 Digits
Transit Number
5 Digits
Institution Number
3 Digits
Account Number
Account Type


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Please note that if you add a new Credit Card or Bank (ACH or EFT) payment type, if you have any currently active agreements these will then change to use this new payment type going forward.


Review your selection.
